In the world of resin crafting, there are two main types of molds that people use: silicone molds and plastic molds. The two have pros and cons, and which one you use depends on personal preference. This article will look at both types of molds and compare them side-by-side. After reading this, you should know which type of mold is right for you and your crafting needs.
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Silicone Resin Molds
These molds frequently have the reputation of being more suited to high-end resin artisans. They are a little more costly and are available in many assorted colors and shapes. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of this.
Benefits of Silicone Resin Molds
- The resin is simple to remove from them.
- You may create your own to ensure complete personalization.
- They survive longer than plastic molds.
Drawbacks of Silicone Resin Molds
- They are a little more meticulous when drying and cleaning.
- For beginners, they are expensive.

Custom rubber molding parts
Molds Made of Plastic Resin: Good and Bad
These are frequently viewed as good starting locations for people who prefer to invest their time in equipment. They come in a range of transparent sizes and forms and resemble ice cube trays. Here are the benefits and drawbacks for you.
The Good
- They are priced reasonably.
- They are simple to store.
- New users may find them to be simpler to handle.
The Bad
- They readily snap and shatter, rendering them worthless for future applications.
- They are very scratchable, leaving a mark on your resin.
- Your resin creations will require glossing.
- Must choose pre-built options
Cutting the Chase
Both offer significant benefits and downsides when you compare them side by side in terms of pros and negatives. First, let’s attempt to conclude the top resin molds. Factors to consider include:
Price versus quality: Silicone resin molds are significantly more expensive than plastic. However, plastic ones sometimes don’t last as long and require exceptional care to prevent damage. You will pay more upfront for silicone molds, but they will be far more flexible in application. Therefore, the initial investment may result in a better, more durable mold than the plastic one.
Experience level: The silicone molds may give you the impression that they are too “out of control” to deal with if you are a complete novice, but this is not the case! The plastic may appear more durable but breaking out of the mold of epoxy glue might take some practice and patience. You don’t have to exert more effort in the plastic mold. To release your resin masterpiece, you can bend, twist, peel, and do whatever else is necessary with silicone mold. Clumsy fingers could be a better match for silicone! Still getting used to it!
Project Needs: In the end, considering all these variables, you should select the mold that best suits your experience and strategy. If you genuinely want to devote yourself to resin crafts, silicone will provide you with the highest return on investment and prevent you from having to replace your mold after a few uses. But in terms of your wallet, the plastic molds make it simpler for you to begin going. When choosing amongst them, bear in mind your goals and concepts.
The silicone resin mold will provide you with the most value for your money and a far more fun building procedure. However, many craftspeople utilize plastic molds and never do without them. Everything comes down to personal taste!
Want to know more about resin molds or got a project? Contact Nice Rapid. They have the facility to manufacture resin molds.